
Assume that a system has a 32-bit virtual address with a 4-KB page size. Write a 
C program that is passed a virtual address (in decimal) on the command line and 
have it output the page number and offset for the given address.
As an example, your program would run as follows:

./a.out 19986

Your program would output:

The address 19986 contains:
page number=4
  • page_number.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define PAGE_SIZE 4096

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    unsigned int address;
    unsigned int page_number;
    unsigned int offset;

    if(argc<2) {
        printf("Enter the address: ");
        return -1;

    address = atoi(argv[1]);
    page_number = address / PAGE_SIZE;
    offset = address % PAGE_SIZE;

    printf("The address=%u\nPage number = %u\noffset = %u\n", address, page_number, offset);

    return 0;
./page_number 19986


  • PagingReplacement.c
  CS444 Operating System

  Implementing FIFO and LRU page replacement algorithm

  Clarkson University 

 Date: Spring 2011

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

 * The parameters of memory and disk pages 
 * PageFrameList: The dynamically-allocated array representing memory pages
 * FrameNR: the number of page frames in memory
 * elementCout: Point to the next page to be replaced
 * ReferenceString: The sequence of the demanding pages
 * ReferenceLength: The length of the randomized reference string
 * ReferenceSZ: the page number range in the reference string

#define ReferenceLength 100

typedef struct
    int *PageFrameList;
    int elementCount;    

int ReferenceSZ, FrameNR;

PageFrame memory;

int *ReferenceString;

/* Test driver sub functions */

void generateReferenceString();

void initializePageFrame();

void printReferenceString();

void printPageFrame();

/* Algorithm Functions */

int FIFO();

int LRU();

/* The possible algorithm subfunctions

int FIFOSearch(int PageNumber);

int FIFOInsert(int PageNumber);

int LRUSearch(int PageNumber);

int LRUInsert(int PageNumber);

void LRUupdatePageTable(int Findindex);


 * The main function is the test driver for FIFO & LRU algorithms
 * 1. Initialize the system parameters
 * 2. Initialize the memory pages 
 * 3. Generate the randomized reference string
 * 4. Apply the FIFO algorithm, calculate the number of page faults
 * 5. Apply the LRU algorithm, calculate the number of page faults

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    if( argc != 3 )
        printf("Command format: Test <reference string size> <number of page frames>");

    ReferenceSZ = atoi(argv[1]);
    FrameNR = atoi(argv[2]);


   printf("page fault of FIFO: %d\n",FIFO());



   printf("page fault of LRU: %d\n",LRU());


   return 0;


 * The test driver functions implmentation details

void generateReferenceString()
   int i;
   ReferenceString = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int) * ReferenceLength );
   printf("The randomized Reference String: ");
   for(i=0; i< ReferenceLength; i++)
    ReferenceString[i] = rand() % ReferenceSZ;
        printf("%d ", ReferenceString[i]);       

void initializePageFrame()
   int i;
   memory.PageFrameList = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int)* FrameNR );
   memory.elementCount =0;    
   for(i=0; i< FrameNR; i++)
    memory.PageFrameList[i] = -1;       


void printPageFrame()
   int i;
   for(i=0; i< FrameNR; i++)
    printf("%2d ",memory.PageFrameList[i]);       

void printReferenceString()
   int i;
   printf("The Same Reference String: ");
   for(i=0; i< ReferenceLength; i++)
        printf("%d ", ReferenceString[i]);       


 * The skeleton code for FIFO & LRU algs
 * NOTE: you are not required to follow the skeleton code here 
 *       you can also write on your own, even different data structure
 *       BUT make sure your algorithm is correct!!!!!!
 *       It is strongly recommended to print out the PageFrames
 *       so that you can follow how the algorithm works and double check it.

int FIFO()
    int PagefaultCount=0;
    int i;

   for( i=0; i<ReferenceLength; i++ ) 

   return PagefaultCount;

/*  Some hints you can follow
int FIFOSearch(int PageNumber)


int FIFOInsert(int PageNumber)
    int Pagefault=0;
    if( 0==FIFOSearch(PageNumber) )

      //Replace the page HERE


    return Pagefault;      


int LRU()
    int PagefaultCount=0;
    int i;

   for( i=0; i<ReferenceLength; i++ ) 

   return PagefaultCount;


/*  Some hints you can follow
int LRUSearch(int PageNumber)


int LRUInsert(int PageNumber)
    int PageFault=0;

    int Findindex = -1;
    Findindex = LRUSearch(PageNumber);

    if ( -1 == Findindex ) 

      //Replace the page HERE

    return PageFault;


void LRUupdatePageTable(int Findindex)
